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Help Desk Software Features & Benefits
When it comes to WonderDesk, the sky’s the limit on customer satisfaction. The WonderDesk help desk solution provides many features that make it the best choice as your customer service software. With one software solution, WonderDesk provides help desk management software, help desk tracking software, call center customer software and more.
Email Features:
Benefits for your Customers:
The WonderDesk functions as both a help desk tracking software and help desk management software to track and manage customer e-mails.
- Confirmation emails are sent after a call has been placed.
- Admin and Technicians are also notified.
- Targeted technician notifications depending on the category that the customer chooses.
- Technicians are notified when a call has been transferred to them.
- Automatically launches an email to the customer and tech when a call has been updated.
- Incoming email ability! Emails sent to support@yourcompany.com are automatically imported into the WonderDesk as help desk calls. Customers and technicians can use their choice of the web
interface or email to communicate. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Incoming email automatically creates help desk account.
<-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Incoming email automatically selects the category
and/or subcategory depending on the "To"
address that the customer emailed to.
<-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Incoming email automatically assigns the call
to the correct technician depending on the "To"
address that the customer emailed to.
<-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Carbon Copies of all email activity can easily be logged for additional backup purposes.
- The "From" address is always support@yourcompany.com
so if a customer replies to any help desk email,
the content will be appended to the appropriate
help desk call. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Incoming email address and content restriction filters. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- For the admin or technicians, clicking on the customer's email icon will pop open an email window with the call subject automatically placed into the email subject line.
Paging option for email capable pagers
and cell phones.
Emergency email/pager notifications can be assigned to the proper personnel.
- All of these email features allow you to hire remote technicians.
- Email templates allow you to customize the email
- The WonderDesk customer support software offers peace of mind because your customers are always kept informed throughout the duration of the
- Customers can add a call with or without tracking.
- No client software needed with WonderDesk's web based help desk software. With a web browser, they can log in (at any time) to check the status or update their call.
- The WonderDesk customer support software automatically recognizes the customer and fills in most of the forms for them. For example:
When they add a new call, it fills in their name, email and website info for them. This makes their life just a tad easier :)
- Automatic screen directing keeps it simple.
- Unique reference numbers are assigned for peace of mind.
Customers can read the news/status before they add a new call which may answer some questions concerning known issues.
- If needed, the WonderDesk allows the customer to work directly with their assigned technician.
- Customers can reopen closed calls. This restriction
can be turned on or off for each individual customer
in WonderDesk
Multiple languages. WonderDesk help desk software now supports: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Danish,
Dutch, Korean, Arabic, Finnish,
Japanese, and Swedish. The languages can even be changed on the fly!
Review the Standard
vs SQL comparison chart for language
- Browsable and searchable F.A.Q. (knowledgebase) will help to answer common questions quickly.
- File attachments can be attached to a help desk
call when using the web interface or email. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Easy login access. The WonderDesk offers multiple
access methods: Cookies, username/password, .htaccess,
Windows Integrated Authentication, and even No login
- Customers can use a PDA or cellphone.
(Requires a web browser like Pocket PC Internet Explorer)
<-- WonderDesk
SQL only
Benefits for your Company:
Features for your help desk Technicians:
- The WonderDesk help desk tracking and help desk management increases your level of customer support and ultimately your customer satisfaction
- Cost effective! The WonderDesk destroys the competition with its low price!
- The WonderDesk pays for itself in no time, because you'll keep your current customers happy, and you'll gain more customers.
- Keeps your business organized. All calls are logged in and worked on from one
- Allows you to hire remote technicians. No need to be on site. Log in from anywhere in the world.
- Saves you time by automating the email progress. No copy and pasting needed.
- Reduces unnecessary incoming calls. Inform your customers of known issues by using the built in News/Status.
- Increased communication. Supervisors and admins can send internal news announcements to the technicians. <-- WonderDesk SQL only
- The WonderDesk can perform automatic actions (priority escalation,
notifications, and assigning) based on certain criteria (elapsed time, priority
status, field values, and actions taken). (screenshot 1, screenshot 2) <-- WonderDesk SQL only
- Reports show you where your company needs improvement by graphing a chart of the type of incoming calls.
- Breaks down the average call duration time of each technician and the overall team average!
- Graphical charts showing the priority listings.
- Customer info database keeps track of the details of your customers and business contacts!
- No more missed calls slipping through the cracks!
- Multiple languages. WonderDesk now supports: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Danish,
Dutch, Korean, Arabic, Finnish,
Japanese, and Swedish.
- Allows you to sell help desk submissions and
emergencies in quantities.
- Easy installation. The average install time
is only 30 minutes.
- Obtain the exact information you need from your
- Limit how many help desk calls and emergencies
your customers can submit.
- Limit what customers and technicians are allowed
to see. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- The WonderDesk is easy to use with it's simple point and click technique. No expensive training needed for your company.
- Choice SQL databases: MySQL, Microsoft SQL,
Oracle, and PosgreSQL. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Detailed call history activity including full
name of person who modified, date, time, and IP
address. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Multiple Queues! This feature allows you to set up as many help desks as you want. All under one installation! <-- WonderDesk SQL only
- The WonderDesk help desk software provides help desk management and tracking features that allows your technicians to provide the best customer support for your customers.
- Technicians are emailed when a new call has been added to the help desk.
- Incoming calls can be automatically assigned to a technician for a given category.
- The WonderDesk interface was designed to be a simple point and click method, with special attention to reducing the amount of clicks and keystrokes to help optimize efficiency.
- Priorities can be set to New, Normal, High, Emergency, Low, or On Hold..
- Date, Time, and Reference number is listed with each call.
- Calls can be assigned to different technicians.
- Progress/Solution box is seen by the customer, but the Notes box is only seen by the technicians.
- Calls may be viewed or searched in nearly an unlimited amount of ways.
- The customers email address, URL, and example URL (if applicable) is hyperlinked for easy servicing.
- Closing or modifying a call automatically launches an email to the customer. This saves time by automating the email process. No copy and pasting needed.
- Closed calls are date and time stamped, along with the technician that closed the call.
- Correspondence flow allows technicians and customers
to easily view the communications as they happen.
This feature is better in WonderDesk
- Technicians can reopen closed calls.
- Easy archiving of closed calls into Excel or Access with a click of a button.
- View the customer's previous
calls or information with a click of a button.
- View the call history activity to see any call
- Techs can copy a call over to the F.A.Q. database with a click of a button. This feature allows them to edit it before submitting.
- Browsable and searchable F.A.Q. (knowledgebase) will help to your techs answer common questions quickly.
- Current work load presented visually using color coded bar charts.
- Technicians can log in from anywhere in the world. No need to be on site.
- Categories and Subcategories help to narrow
down the problem. Subcategoies are available in
SQL only.
- One click "List Mine" allows technicians
to see all calls that they are servicing. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Last time customer and technician contacted
is viewable. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Time worked tracking will add up the time spent
on each call. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Range searching, 'not equal to' searching can
be done with WonderDesk
- Personalized technician perferences <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Technicians can use a PDA or cellphone.
(Requires a web browser like Pocket PC Internet Explorer)
<-- WonderDesk
SQL only
Control Panel Features:
Customer Info Database Features:
- The WonderDesk control panel allows for web based customization. No need to shut down your help desk, you can make changes on the fly!
- With the Control Panel, you can easily make these changes:
- Name of your help desk.
- Change the text colors, fonts and sizes.
- Table border size and background colors.
- Change the date / time formating. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Hyperlink and cascade style sheet colors.
- Referrer option toggle. Great if you have resellers or sub-support divisions.
- Ban dirty words or html code.
- Define the log off URL.
- Toggle host address logging.
- Choose to allow new sign-ups or not.
- Create the help desk and customer categories (which automatically generates pull down menus.)
- Customize the welcome message.
- Set up CC emails for additional logging.
- Define the technician's name, email address, and checkmark if they will receive email notices.
- Time zone offsets
- Default Language
- The word "call" can be changed easily.
- Built in template editor to customize the wording and HTML to match the look of your website.
- FAQ subcategories <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Ban by IP address. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Compress HTML code for faster loading <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- The fully integrated customer info database keeps track of your customers, business contacts or friends information. This includes:
- First and last name.
- Email address.
- Website URL.
- ICQ number.
- Help desk logon username or email address.
- Company name.
- Address, City, State, Zip, Country.
- Phone number.
- Cellular phone number.
- Business phone number.
- Pager number.
- Fax number.
- Account info, account category.
- Start date, end date.
- Checkbox options
- Radio button switch.
- Extra fields.
- With some modifications, you can add more fields.
- Customer database is fully searchable by any of the fields or combination of the fields. For example: you can search for all customers with a "gold account" with an account end date of July or later.
- Placing your cursor over the images bring up the info without even clicking on anything!
Customizing Features:
Cost effective:
- The WonderDesk can be fully customized to your needs. The table and text colors can be changed on the fly from the Control Panel.
- Template driven. The look and feel can be changed
by altering the templates. WonderDesk SQL offers
more templates than WonderDesk Standard. Review
the Standard vs
SQL comparison chart for more details.
- Smart template tags allow for "if statements"
to be used for advanced functionality. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- Multiple templates sets allow different look
and feel and functionality. <-- WonderDesk
SQL only
- The default graphic images are named with obvious names like addcall.gif or background.gif. You can use your own images simply by uploading them on top of the default ones.
- You can add your own text input fields, radio buttons, pull down menus, and checkboxes.
WonderDesk SQL offers an easier method via a web
interface to make these modifications. Review
the Standard vs
SQL comparison chart for more details.
- HTML can be modified through the built in template editor.
- Email wording can also be changed through the built in template editor.
- The WonderDesk's low cost destroys the competition.
- One-time cost. No hidden fees.
- Unlimited users!
- Unlimited technicians!
- Unlimited usage. It does not expire, use it as long as you would like
- 1 year of free upgrades included.
- 1 year of free support included.
- Multiple languages included!
- Nearly immediate return investment. Your hard earned customers stay happy and you'll gain more, as the word travels about your great customer service!
Click here for a WonderDesk
Standard vs. WonderDesk SQL comparison chart.
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A product of Web Wonderland, LLC.